Interface | Description |
CupModeContext |
CupModeContext encapsulates the state of an CupModeCommand.
Class | Description |
CupAddRefArgumentTranslator |
CupAddRefArgumentTranslator handles the positionals that cup uses during the LoginCommand.
CupAddRefResultTranslator |
CupAddRefResultTranslator translates the results of the AddRef
of the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupArgumentTranslator |
CupArgumentTranslator handles the positionals and flags that
are generally used by cup.
CupAttachUsageArgumentTranslator |
CupAttachUsageArgumentTranslator is the ArgumentTranslator
used by the AttachUsage command key.
CupAttachUsageResultTranslator |
CupAttachUsageResultTranslator is the ResultTranslator
used by the AttachUsage command key.
CupBeansVersionResultTranslator |
CupBeansVersionResultTranslator prints out the CupSession's current
bean's version.
CupCatArgumentTranslator |
CupCatArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the IfsCatCommand.
CupCatResultTranslator |
CupCatResultTranslator translates the results of the
IfsCatCommand the Cup protocol enviroment
and replies to the client.
CupCdArgumentTranslator |
CupCdArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the IfsChangeDirectoryCommand.
CupCdResultTranslator |
CupPasvResultTranslator translates the results of the IfsPasvCommand
the the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupCookieArgumentTranslator |
CupCookieArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the IfsCookieCommand.
CupCookieResultTranslator |
CupCookieResultTranslator is the default ResultTranslator to the IfsCookieCommand
for cup.
CupCpArgumentTranslator |
CupCpArgumentTranslator handles the positionals that cup uses during the CopyCommand.
CupCpResultTranslator |
CupCpResultTranslator translates the results of the CopyCommand
the the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupDoneArgumentTranslator |
CupDoneArgumentTranslator adds casts the invoker to a Channel
and sets it.
CupDoneResultTranslator |
CupDoneResultTranslator translates the results of the IfsCloseChannelCommand
the the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupFindArgumentTranslator |
CupFindArgumentTranslator handles the positionals that cup uses during the FIND Command.
CupFindResultTranslator |
CupFindResultTranslator translates the results of the
IfsInvokeSelectorAndListOutput to the Cup protocol enviroment
and replies to the client.
CupGetArgumentTranslator |
CupGetArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the IfsRenderAsStreamCommand.
CupGetAttrArgumentTranslator |
CupGetAttrArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the IfsStringListCommand.
CupGetAttrResultTranslator |
CupGetAttrResultTranslator translates the results of the
StringListComamnd the Cup protocol enviroment
and replies to the client.
CupGetResultTranslator |
CupGetResultTranslator translates the results of the
RenderAsStreamCommand the Cup protocol enviroment
and replies to the client.
CupHelpArgumentTranslator |
CupHelpArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the IfsHelpCommand.
CupHelpResultTranslator |
CupHelpResultTranslator translates the results of the
HelpComamnd the Cup protocol enviroment
and replies to the client.
CupLoginArgumentTranslator |
CupLoginArgumentTranslator handles the positionals that cup uses during the LoginCommand.
CupLoginResultTranslator |
CupLoginResultTranslator translates the results of the LoginCommand
the the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupLogoutArgumentTranslator |
CupLogoutArgumentTranslator adds an existing LibrarySession to the
CommandContext in postParse before calling super->postParse.
CupLogoutResultTranslator |
CupLogoutResultTranslator is the default ResultTranslator to the LogoutCommand
for cup.
CupLsArgumentTranslator |
CupLsArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the IfsStringListCommand.
CupLsResultTranslator |
CupLsResultTranslator translates the results of the
StringListComamnd the Cup protocol enviroment
and replies to the client.
CupMkdirArgumentTranslator |
CupMkdirArgumentTranslator handles the positionals that cup uses during the CreateFolderCommand.
CupMkdirResultTranslator |
CupMkdirResultTranslator translates the results of the CreateFolderCommand
the the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupModeArgumentTranslator |
CupModeArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the CupModeCommand.
CupModeCommand |
A CupModeCommand is for setting various modes in Cup
CupModeResultTranslator |
CupModeResultTranslator translates the results of the CupModeCommand
the the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupMvArgumentTranslator |
CupMvArgumentTranslator handles the positionals that cup uses during the MV command.
CupMvResultTranslator |
CupMvResultTranslator translates the results of the Mv
of the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupPasvArgumentTranslator |
CupPasvArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the PasvCommand.
CupPasvResultTranslator |
CupPasvResultTranslator translates the results of the IfsPasvCommand
the the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupPutArgumentTranslator |
CupPutArgumentTranslator translates between the Cup
environemnt and the IfsUploadFileCommand environment.
CupPutResultTranslator |
CupPutResultTranslator is the default ResultTranslator to the IfsUploadFileCommand
for cup.
CupPwdResultTranslator |
CupPwdResultTranslator prints out the CupSession's current path within
its FolderPathResolver.
CupResultTranslator |
CupResultTranslator is the generic result translator for the CupServer.
CupRmArgumentTranslator |
CupRmArgumentTranslator handles the positionals that cup uses during the RM Command.
CupRmRefArgumentTranslator |
CupRmRefArgumentTranslator handles the positionals that cup uses during the LoginCommand.
CupRmRefResultTranslator |
CupRmRefResultTranslator translates the results of the RmRef
of the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupRmResultTranslator |
CupRmResultTranslator translates the results of the RmCommand in
the the Cup protocol enviroment and replies to the client.
CupSetAttrArgumentTranslator |
CupSetAttrArgumentTranslator handles the postionals for
the showallpaths command.
CupSetAttrResultTranslator |
CupSetAttrResultTranslator sets the attribute of the LibraryObject
to the value specified.
CupSetCharArgumentTranslator |
CupSetCharArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the CupModeCommand in a specific set character set configuration.
CupSetLangArgumentTranslator |
CupSetArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the CupModeCommand in a specific set language configuration.
CupShowAllPathsArgumentTranslator |
CupShowAllPathsArgumentTranslator handles the positionals for
the showallpaths command.
CupShowAllPathsResultTranslator |
CupShowAllPathsResultTranslator prints out the all the paths for
a PublicObject.
CupShowCharArgumentTranslator |
CupShowCharArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the CupModeCommand in a specific show character set configuration.
CupShowLangArgumentTranslator |
CupShowLangArgumentTranslator handles the environment translation between
cup and the CupModeCommand in a specific show language configuration.
CupWhoAmIResultTranslator |
CupWhoAmIResultTranslator prints out the CupSession's current
IfsCupModeContext |
IfsCupModeContext is the default implmentation
of CupModeContext.
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