Interface | Description |
Collection |
A Collection is a set of Java objects.
CollectionResolver |
A CollectionResolver determinines the contents of a CachedResolverCollection.
ContentStreamSerializer |
A ContentStreamSerializer is used to allow ContentStreams to be
Credential |
A Credential encapsulates the information presented to a CredentialManager
to authenticate a user.
CredentialNameTokenizer |
A CredentialNameTokenizer converts usernames into userids and subscriber
DirectoryObjectInterface |
DirectoryObjectInterface defines methods common to DirectoryObject and
ExtendedPermissionInterface |
ExtendedPermissionInterface defines methods common to ExtendedPermission
and S_ExtendedPermission.
IfsEventHandler |
A IfsEventHandler can take action in response to IfsEvents.
LibraryObjectInterface |
LibraryObjectInterface defines methods common to LibraryObject and
LibrarySessionInterface |
The interface used by beans-side and server-side LibrarySession classes.
LibrarySessionProvider |
A LibrarySessionProvider interface is used to create new
LibrarySessions for the system user.
LooselyBoundedCacheable |
A class that implements LooselyBoundedCacheable can be stored
in a LooselyBoundedCache.
PolicyListElementInterface |
PolicyListElementInterface defines methods common to PolicyListElement
and S_PolicyListElement.
PublicObjectInterface |
PublicObjectInterface defines methods common to PublicObject and
RandomAccessContentInterface | Deprecated
CM SDK 10gR2: use RandomAccessor
RandomAccessor |
RandomAccessor provides random read/write access to a document's content.
SchemaObjectInterface |
SchemaObjectInterface defines methods common to SchemaObject and
SimpleObjectInterface |
SimpleObjectInterface defines methods common to SimpleObject and
SystemObjectInterface |
SystemObjectInterface defines methods common to SystemObject and
Traceable |
The Traceable interface.
Transaction |
A Transaction is a token returned by
LibrarySession.beginTransaction that can be passed to
LibrarySession.completeTransaction or
LibrarySession.abortTransaction . |
Class | Description |
AccessControlListDeferredUpdate |
A AccessControlListDeferredUpdate contains information used to update
the ACL discoverer table asynchronously by an agent.
AccessLevel |
The AccessLevel class.
AggregateExceptionEntry |
An AggregateExceptionEntry represents an error condition for a specific
object when performed in the context of an aggregate operation.
AttributeValue |
An AttributeValue represents the value of an Attribute of a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueArray |
An AttributeValueArray represents the value of an array-type Attribute.
AttributeValueBooleanArray |
An AttributeValueBooleanArray represents the value of a boolean array-type
Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueDateArray |
An AttributeValueDateArray represents the value of a date array-type
Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueDirectoryObjectArray |
An AttributeValueDirectoryObjectArray represents the value of a DirectoryObject
array-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueDoubleArray |
An AttributeValueDoubleArray represents the value of a double array-type
Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueIntegerArray |
An AttributeValueIntegerArray represents the value of an integer array-type
Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueLongArray |
An AttributeValueLongArray represents the value of a long array-type
Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueLongLongMap |
An AttributeValueLongLongMap represents the value of a
long-long map-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueLongStringMap |
An AttributeValueLongStringMap represents the value of a
long-string map-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueMap |
An AttributeValueMap represents the value of an map-type Attribute.
AttributeValuePublicObjectArray |
An AttributeValuePublicObjectArray represents the value of a PublicObject
array-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueScalar |
An AttributeValueScalar represents the value of a non-array type Attribute.
AttributeValueSchemaObjectArray |
An AttributeValueSchemaObjectArray represents the value of a SchemaObject
array-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueSimpleObjectArray |
An AttributeValueSimpleObjectArray represents the value of a SimpleObject
array-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueStringArray |
An AttributeValueStringArray represents the value of a string array-type
Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueStringDoubleMap |
An AttributeValueStringDoubleMap represents the value of a
string-double map-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueStringLongMap |
An AttributeValueStringLongMap represents the value of a
string-long map-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueStringStringMap |
An AttributeValueStringStringMap represents the value of a
string-string map-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AttributeValueSystemObjectArray |
An AttributeValueSystemObjectArray represents the value of a SystemObject
array-type Attribute in a LibraryObject.
AuditCertificate |
An AuditCertificate represents the data that comprises an Audit
AuditEvent |
An AuditEvent represents an audit event retrieved from an Audit History.
AuditEventDispatchRequest |
An AuditEventDispatchRequest holds an AuditEvent that needs to be
dispatched to an AuditSpecification.
AuditFolderPath |
An AuditFolderPath represents a folder path captured at the
time an AuditEvent is posted, and is subsequently used
in dispatching the event.
AuditTargetCode |
An AuditTargetCode represents the data structure that describes a registered
Object type target for auditing events.
AuditTypeEntryValue |
An AuditTypeEntryValue is a light-weight representation of an
Audit operation type, and the indication as to whether successful
and/or failed operations should be audited for that operation type.
BaseApp |
The BaseApp class - Base class for iFS protocol servers.
BaseMain |
BaseMain is a generic main for application
testing and scripting.
BoundedCache |
An BoundedCache is a cache that is bounded to hold
a limited number of items.
BoundedCacheConfiguration |
A BoundedCacheConfiguration is a bucket of parameters
that govern the operation of an BoundedCache.
Cache |
A Cache is a cache of arbitrary objects identified by Longs.
CacheConfiguration |
A CacheConfiguration is a bucket of parameters that govern
the operation of a Cache.
CachedCollection |
A CachedCollection is a Collection whose items are cached for performance.
CachedResolverCollection |
A CachedResolverCollection is a CachedCollection whose items are
java.lang.Object s specified by a CollectionResolver. |
CachedSelectorCollection |
A CachedSelectorCollection is a CachedCollection whose items are
LIBRARYOBJECTs specified by a Selector or S_Selector.
CacheEntry |
A CacheEntry encapsulates an object that is cached.
CachePerformance |
A CachePerformance is a bucket of name/value pairs that
indicate the performance of a Cache.
ChallengeResponseCredential |
A ChallengeResponseCredential encapsulates a name, challenge, and response
for presentation to a CredentialManager to authenticate a user, based on
the SMB authentication mechanism.
CleartextCredential |
A CleartextCredential encapsulates an unencrypted name and password
for presentation to a CredentialManager to authenticate a user.
ClusteringToken | Deprecated no longer used by the new runtime system.
ClusteringUtilities | Deprecated no longer used by the new runtime system.
ColumnDescriptor |
A ColumnDescriptor describes a column that is selected in a PreparedSelect.
ConfigurationCategoryDescriptor |
A ConfigurationCategoryDescriptor describes a ConfigurationCategory
class in support of efficient ConfigurationCategory determination.
ConfigurationCategoryDescriptorMap |
A ConfigurationCategoryDescriptorMap represents a Map
of all registered ConfigurationCategory classes,
allowing fast lookup of ConfigurationCategoryDescriptor objects
used in ConfigurationCategory determination.
ConnectOptions |
ConnectOptions is a bucket of parameters that govern
the behavior of
LibraryService.connect . |
ContextTheme |
The class - used for encapsulating a Context
Theme for a document, with its associated theme Weight.
CredentialManagerUser |
A CredentialManagerUser encapsulates the information that describes
a user that exists in the user's CredentialManager.
DatabaseUtilities |
DatabaseUtilities is a set of utilities to facilitate
establishing database connections.
DateUtilities |
Provides miscellaneous utility methods for date processing.
EventNotification |
A EventNotification represents an audit event and information regarding
an entity wishing to be notified of the event.
FolderIndexDeferredUpdate |
A FolderIndexDeferredUpdate contains information used to update
the folder index asynchronously by an agent.
FolderPathOptions |
FolderPathOptions is a set of parameters that govern
the behavior of
and PublicObject.getAllFolderPaths() methods. |
GssApiCredential |
GssApiCredential class is used to support the GSS-API
based authentication mechanism.
HttpDigestCredential |
A HttpDigestCredential encapsulates a name, challenge, and response
for presentation to a CredentialManager to authenticate a user.
IfsCredentialNameTokenizer |
IfsCredentialNameTokenizer is the standard CredentialNameTokenizer for
IfsEvent |
A IfsEvent is a message indicating that a specific LibraryObject was
changed in some way.
IndexSpecification |
A IndexSpecification represents a database index.
LibraryObjectCache |
A LibraryObjectCache is a BoundedCache used to manage a cache of
LibraryObjects or S_LibraryObjects.
LibraryObjectLookupCache |
A LibraryObjectLookupCache provides for the caching of instances
of a certain class by their unique name.
LibraryObjectLookupCacheCollection |
A LibraryObjectLookupCacheCollection is a Collection that delegates
to a LibraryObjectLookupCache that is provided at construction.
LibrarySessionPool |
A LibrarySessionPool pools system-enabled LibrarySessions for use
by concurrently executing threads.
LocalContentStream |
The default implementation of ContentStreamSerializer.
Localizer |
A Localizer encapsulates internationalization information.
LooselyBoundedCache |
An LooselyBoundedCache is a cache that is bounded to hold
a limited number of items.
LooselyBoundedCacheableAdapter |
A LooselyBoundedCacheableAdapter implements LooselyBoundedCacheable
with a generic implementation.
ObjectReferenceAttributeValue |
This feature is not supported in Beta2.
ObjectResolverSpecification |
An ObjectResolverSpecification is used to specify
the extent for which object are resolved by the
oracle.ifs.server.ObjectResolver class.
OperationContext |
An OperationContext manages the state of
a single server-side operation.
ParameterTable |
A ParameterTable manages a list of named parameters in a Hashtable.
PathHelper |
PathHelper is a class use to provide utility methods for paths.
RawAuditEvent |
A RawAuditEvent represents an Audit event in the process of being posted
to the database, or one that has been saved and is ready for dispatching.
ReaderInputStream |
ReaderInputStream transforms a Reader into an InputStream.
ReferenceAttributeValue |
A ReferenceAttributeValue represents the value of a Reference Attribute of a LibraryObject.
RetainedEvent |
A RetainedEvent contains information used to store and retrieve
messages used as notifications to and from external systems or
processes, or for asynchronous processing in an agent.
RetainedEventDescriptor |
A RetainedEventDescriptor is a struct used by a RetainedEvent to
describe the column information for each item in the event's payload.
SessionMode |
A SessionMode encapsulates the execution settings for a session,
as used in
SessionUtilities.pushCustomMode and
SessionUtilities.popCustomMode . |
SessionUtilities |
A SessionUtilities is a set of static utility convenience methods
for performing session operations.
SortQualifier |
A SortQualifer encapsulates the specification of the sort
of a single attribute.
SortSpecification |
The SortSpecification class is used to specify
a sort order for operations that can be sorted, such
as opening a folder.
SystemUserCredential |
A SystemUserCredential encapsulates information required to
create a 'system' user session.
TieClusteringToken | Deprecated no longer used by the new runtime system.
TieClusteringUtilities | Deprecated no longer used by the new runtime system.
TieLibraryObjectLookupCacheCollection |
TieLibraryObjectLookupCacheCollection allows the Oracle-defined behavior of
the LibraryObjectLookupCacheCollection class to be extended or overridden.
TieLooselyBoundedCache |
A TieLooselyBoundedCache is provided as a means to extend the behavior of
TokenCredential |
A TokenCredential encapsulates a token created by an authenticated
LibrarySession that may be used to create a new LibrarySession,
authenticating as the same DirectoryUser as the earlier session.
TraceLogger | Deprecated use oracle.ifs.common.logging.IfsLogger.
TrustedSessionCredential |
A Credential that allows a LibrarySession to create a session for a
specified user.
UnboundedCache |
An UnboundedCache is a cache that grows as needed
to hold as many items as are placed in the cache.
UnboundedCacheConfiguration |
A UnboundedCacheConfiguration is a bucket of parameters
that govern the operation of an UnboundedCache.
UncachedPreparedSelectorCollection |
An UncachedPreparedSelectorCollection is a Collection whose items are
LIBRARYOBJECTs specified by a PreparedSelector or S_PreparedSelector
and not cached by the collection.
UncachedSelectorCollection |
An UncachedSelectorCollection is a Collection whose items are LIBRARYOBJECTs
specified by a Selector or S_Selector and not cached by the collection.
UserIOException |
This class simply holds onto an IOException for remote streaming
Exception | Description |
IfsException |
An IfsException represents an iFS error condition.
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